Sunday, March 24, 2019

Johan Speaking Academy X AFO Radio Media Interview @ 14 November 2018

Johan was invited to participate in an interview again!

This time the interview was for the show called AFO Live with Mag, a daily segment that covers current, relatable and enjoyable topics from lifestyle to fashion, health and nutrition as well as humor and laughter. The radio station was located at the ground floor (boulevard) in Paradigm Mall.
The interview was set on an early Tuesday morning.

Upon arrival, Johan and Cherry were all smiles, chatting away with the host within minutes of meeting.
Soon after, the interview began with an energetic opening by the host.

Rather than an interview, it turned out to be a fun chat between the two about building children’s confidence, what inspired Johan to venture into public speaking and some ups and downs throughout his journey in establishing Johan Speaking Academy.

Thou behind the “screen”, Johan were always sporting a grin as he expressed his opinions and stories in an articulate manner. It did help to make his voice sound warm and engaging, in reflecting positive vibes to the listeners.  

During recording, Johan had also highlighted the importance of communication skills and how one can make use of it to become a strength and an ability in everyday life or for any profession. Especially in the case of children, Johan recalled a statistics back in 2017 that Malaysian students were unable or unwilling to speak up. Turning a problem into an opportunity, Johan believed that this can be resolved if children were nurtured to speak confidently since young. Hence, he was determined to help more children by conducting public speaking courses via a fun learning way.

Besides, Johan asserted that speaking can exist in various forms. Some may speak extremely fluent on a stage in front of crowd yet paralyzed when a camera began rolling or vice versa. As he shared, “a good public speaker may not necessarily be a good emcee”. Hence, different techniques and skills are always necessary to be applied for different types of speeches. With sufficient training and requisite practices, children can cope through unexpected changes or the toughest situations possible, even better than an adult!  

At the same time, Cherry was beside the interview all along; capturing pictures as memories, but also to provide moral support to her business partner/spouse.

Before ending the interview; as the founder and trainer for Johan Speaking Academy, Johan professed that no matter what his students wished to be in the future, he hoped that they will pursue them with the fullest confidence. As they had once done the boldest thing ever – taking a huge stage, overcoming stage fright, receiving applause from the crowd – this moment and memory will forever be embedded in their mind, reminding that they can achieve and excel anything in life. Having confidence is the key to leading a happy life.  

Sunday, March 10, 2019

How To Be A Good Public Speaker ? ( Johan Speaking Academy )

It was their Language Week. At Idrissi School located at Setia Alam. The students were PUMPED UP even before the event. We were scheduled at 9.00am for our session, but at 8.00am during the assembly, students are already at the front presenting their speeches.

At 9.00am, they all came up to the venue. We greeted one another with HELLO and Apa Khabar.

There were about 70 students from 11 years old to 17 years old. 

As we started the session, you could see the eagerness in their eyes to learn.

3 tips on teens public speaking shared for the session.

Tip 1 : Mindset. 

Positive self-talk is very important in our lives. This is not only for public speaking, but for whatever we do. If we keep telling ourselves, "I can do it", you actually put in positive energy into yourself.

Tip 2 : Crafting A Speech 

This is a simplified version as we only have 1 hour in total. Crafting a speech consist of the opening, body and closing. The students went up to stage to present their stories after learning the tips shared.

Tip 3 : Body Language & Voice

The students also learn skills on how to use their hands and facial expression for their speech. It was so much fun learning from each other during the session.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience on stage with a group of enthusiastic and positive students from Idrissi School. At the end of the session, we had a group picture.

For more information on Teens Public Speaking, Kids Public Speaking and corporate engagement, do contact us at :

Friday, March 1, 2019

KL Gateway Mall - Bangsar South. Kids and Kiddos Public Speaking

KL Gateway Mall ? Where is that ?

Though this mall has been at Bangsar South for the past 2 years, it was only this year that we stepped foot inside there.

Why only us then ?  Why not give our students the opportunity to step on stage at KL Gateway Mall and practise their speeches ?

YES ! We got a stagetime for our Kids Public Speaking program.

Our slot was in conjunction with Chap Goh Meh celebration. One of the parents said, "Wow, the stage is big ! "

Most of the students were beginners, that was why some parents were worried. When I saw the stage, I did not expect it to be so big too. We thought it was a small event with a small stage.

Anyhow, since the students were already there, I guess they are UP for the challenge.

The event started with Kiddos Public Speaking. Kids age 5 to 7 stepped onto the stage with confidence. Parents were super happy. You could see those smile on their faces.

Next up are Kids Public Speaking. These are students age ranging from 7 to 12 years old. They did superb too !

At the end of the session, parents too joined in the fun and we had a group picture at the big stage.

Every step a child make onto the stage, it is a confidence booster for them. Public speaking, if done well, will equipped them with a powerful skill which is essential for the future.

Thank you so much parents for the support and also the management from KL Gateway Mall.

Till we meet again. Cheers !