Thursday, April 1, 2021

Johan Speaking Academy’s 12th Term Graduation on 21 March 2021 @ Quill City Mall

 Once again, Johan Speaking Academy made a remarkable comeback with its signature annual event – “Johan Speaking Academy Term Graduation” for students from the respective programs namely Kiddos Public Speaking, Kids Storytelling, Kids Dream Job, Kids Comedian and Kids Emcee.

During the course of the event, Johan Speaking Academy ensured to abide by the given standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the safety of both parents and their children. Amongst the precautions made include disposing and replacing mic covers after each usage per child, and of course the practice of social distancing.

The event started with Kiddos Public Speaking at 10.00am sharp. In no time, the day continued with kids going onto the stage one by one. Most of the kids were extremely excited and looking forward to take the stage confidently as their parents were very encouraging and supportive.

One of the highlights of the day were Kids Comedian. A newly developed speaking module curated for kids; the children who partook the program had presented 3 jokes each in front of the audience.  Within seconds, parents were in hysterics of laughter and clapping loudly in response to their children’s riveting performance. Making people laugh is an art and definitely isn't easy. Kudos to these kids for creating such an entertaining show!

Perhaps, we can look forward for some stand-up comedy action in the future?

And as always, Kids Emcee was one of the most intriguing segments. Unlike the usual public speaking, the students were required to react spontaneously and immediately according to the situation. Simultaneously, they also engaged the audiences to participate in certain activities on stage too. This served a great opportunity to not only strengthen the parent–child interaction, but also provided as a beneficial activity that can be mutually enjoyed by both parents and their kids.

The graduation event ended on a high note by 6.00pm. As parents and students were leaving the venue, Johan and Cherry waved goodbyes and thanked them for their support and attending the event.

It’s been a while since in-person events were allowed to be conducted. Ever since the pandemic last year, it had been an eye opener and probably made most of us realize that it was the simplest and the most ordinary thing that we missed the most – human connection. Ultimately, we are humans at the end of the day – interacting with another being and sharing real-life experiences together are in our core. It’s always a delight to witness the children speaking live in front of an audience, delivering their message. The stage presence and spirit are what truly seal the deal and capture attention. Beyond the stage, the support from the parents is the irreplaceable embodiment of love.

Going forward, the hybrid way would be a good approach to cater to different needs. Thanks to digital technology, Johan Speaking Academy is still able to cater educational needs for the children. As kids have the opportunity to participate and learn a variety of speaking programs, which not only contribute to their learning and development; but to also enhance their wellbeing and confidence in becoming effective communicators. Each child has a voice; and Johan Speaking Academy ensures that all of their input is acknowledged and followed up on regularly.

So, let’s all stay safe and continue practicing social distancing so that we can create a safe space not only for ourselves, but also children of the future too!