Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mastermind Group - Why do you need to be in one ?

Johan Speaking Academy just celebrated its 3rd anniversary. Our signature program is our Kids Public Speaking classes which is now in 14 locations across Malaysia. In this 3rd anniversary, branches across Malaysia met up in our mastermind gathering.

Why do you need to be in a mastermind group ?

This is depending on your industry, try to be in a mastermind group around the location you stay, or get into your industry association. Why mastermind group ?

1) You can bounce off new ideas and share challenges

In our mastermind group, each branch of our Kids Public Speaking program share their challenges. When someone share their journey, we listen. This is very important. Then sometimes there is a light bulb which will light off ,

"Oh ! I never thought of that. Wow !"
"Is it ? That really happen ?"
"Hmmm...i can learn from this"

When my partners share their best practices in their branches, we learn from each other. Good ideas, we take and implement. Challenges they faced, we take that as lessons and learn.

2) You motivate each other

In business, we might have our ups and downs. In a mastermind group, we motivate each other. Giving positive words, words of encouragement is a battery energizer.

"You can do it ! "

3) You discuss moving forward plans

What is next for the industry ? Johan Speaking Academy has been pioneering the industry since 2014. We discuss new ideas, new products to launch, how to improve our delivery of our programs and many more.

Moving forward will motivate people cause we have a common goal to achieve. A goal to bless more kids with our programs.

Watch our video below :

Some of our pictures during the mastermind gathering : 

Now, on you. What is next ? Join a mastermind group and i am sure you can learn a lot from there.

To know more about us, kindly visit :

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About :
Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

                                                   Founders Johan Ooi & Cherry Ho

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