Tuesday, February 20, 2018

5 ways to teach your kids storytelling skills - Johan Speaking Academy

Is storytelling an important skill ?
Is building your child's confidence important ?

For a child to stand on stage and speak up is an amazing feat itself. This process will help children build their confidence while learning an important skill at the same time.

We know that many people have ideas in their "head", but expressing them is another thing all-together.

Here are 5 ways to teach your kids storytelling skills :

1) Let them choose their stories
- Let them choose the stories they like. No point giving them something which they do not like.

2) Be expressive
- Encourage them to be animated, with body language and vocal variety

3) Practice, Practice, Practice
- Public speaking and reading is a skill which will get better over time. Encourage them to join a class or sign-up for storytelling opportunity at school.

4) Expose them to more stories
- Cultivate the habit of curiosity and wanting to know more by exposing them to more stories via books and videos.

5) Have fun
- Sessions with kids should be fun and lively.

Here are some of our students journey at Johan Speaking Academy :

To know more about us, kindly visit :

Email : KidsPublicSpeaking@gmail.com 

About :
Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Founders Johan Ooi and Cherry Ho

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