Saturday, August 11, 2018

Building a child's confidence through public speaking.

Is A's , A's, A's enough in this modern world ?

Are parents still focusing so much on academic results ?

Or is it the education system which is the one which needs some revamping, to focus on other aspects of a wholesome education ?

Hard skills

Hard skills are truly required when a child goes into the working world. Hard skills which are skills like engineering, legal skills, accounting skills, architecture ... those skills are really required. We wouldn't want our buildings to be built by know. Of course, scoring in your exams and getting A's throughout your education journey is great.

But what's next ? What if you climb the corporate ladder, and then suddenly you have 20 staff under your supervision. What skills you need to lead them ? Soft skills...

Soft skills

Question is, why can't a child learn soft skills when he or she is at school ? Can we teach them leadership ? What about communication skills ? What about empathy for people ?

These skills are equally important, maybe even more important, as they learn values in life.

Today, let's talk about confidence. Is confidence important ? Confidence is the ability to believe in what yourself. Confidence is the ability to speak up, to share your ideas in a constructive manner. Confidence is the ability to lead a team, even when the odds are against you.

How do we build confidence?

One way is through public speaking. We could build a child's confidence through public speaking.

Let me stand up and speak up. Ask them questions and wait for their feedback. Ask for their opinions. These are everyday activities which a parent can do together with their children.

In school, encourage them to join storytelling or public speaking contest. Let them experience standing in front of a crowd. Win or lose, does not matter, the experience counts.

Here are some examples of kids building their confidence through public speaking.

Have fun and enjoy the journey in building your child's confidence.

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