Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How to teach public speaking skills to children ?

Is your child shy ? 
Have you ever wondered how to teach public speaking skills to children ?

Yes ! We could actually teach public speaking skills to children. But how ? 

Before we go in there, let me ask you few questions. 

Is confidence important ?  
Does having the ability to communicate and speak well help a child in the future ? 

Here are some tips on how to teach public speaking skills to children. 

1st tip - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Ask them to read aloud. How ? Take any story book, or newspaper, and ask them to stand up and read aloud. Normally, when we read a story book, we read silently. This time, ask your child to "throw" his or her voice. 

This will help them to listen to themselves in return. You as an adult could also do this exercise. How long per day ? 

If you could do this EVERYDAY, for even 1 minute, you will see the difference. Just 1 minute. Remember, stand up and read aloud. 

2nd tip - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Record the exercise above. Playback and watch. 

Then evaluate their performance. Only give positive feedback for the first two months. Only positive words. This will enforce their BELIEVE in themselves that they can do it. 

Then offer points of improvement at a later stage. All we want is to cultivate the HABIT of speaking up first. 

You, as a parent, or teacher, could also record yourself and watch back. If you DO NOT DARE to playback and watch your video ...hahaha, means you ...ehem. 

Keep doing this and I am sure you will improve. 

3rd tip  - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Ask your child, if he or she wants to speak in front of an audience ? It could be a birthday party, or even just a small dinner party with family members . Do not push. Let your child decide. If yes, let him or her share a short story.  If no, then they need more time. 

All the best ! 

We do offer public speaking classes for kids age 6 - 12 years old. We have trained more than 1500 kids to speak on stage. Our students have spoken at large shopping malls and prominent locations throughout Malaysia. 

Here are some of our journey :


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