Thursday, April 1, 2021

Johan Speaking Academy’s 12th Term Graduation on 21 March 2021 @ Quill City Mall

 Once again, Johan Speaking Academy made a remarkable comeback with its signature annual event – “Johan Speaking Academy Term Graduation” for students from the respective programs namely Kiddos Public Speaking, Kids Storytelling, Kids Dream Job, Kids Comedian and Kids Emcee.

During the course of the event, Johan Speaking Academy ensured to abide by the given standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the safety of both parents and their children. Amongst the precautions made include disposing and replacing mic covers after each usage per child, and of course the practice of social distancing.

The event started with Kiddos Public Speaking at 10.00am sharp. In no time, the day continued with kids going onto the stage one by one. Most of the kids were extremely excited and looking forward to take the stage confidently as their parents were very encouraging and supportive.

One of the highlights of the day were Kids Comedian. A newly developed speaking module curated for kids; the children who partook the program had presented 3 jokes each in front of the audience.  Within seconds, parents were in hysterics of laughter and clapping loudly in response to their children’s riveting performance. Making people laugh is an art and definitely isn't easy. Kudos to these kids for creating such an entertaining show!

Perhaps, we can look forward for some stand-up comedy action in the future?

And as always, Kids Emcee was one of the most intriguing segments. Unlike the usual public speaking, the students were required to react spontaneously and immediately according to the situation. Simultaneously, they also engaged the audiences to participate in certain activities on stage too. This served a great opportunity to not only strengthen the parent–child interaction, but also provided as a beneficial activity that can be mutually enjoyed by both parents and their kids.

The graduation event ended on a high note by 6.00pm. As parents and students were leaving the venue, Johan and Cherry waved goodbyes and thanked them for their support and attending the event.

It’s been a while since in-person events were allowed to be conducted. Ever since the pandemic last year, it had been an eye opener and probably made most of us realize that it was the simplest and the most ordinary thing that we missed the most – human connection. Ultimately, we are humans at the end of the day – interacting with another being and sharing real-life experiences together are in our core. It’s always a delight to witness the children speaking live in front of an audience, delivering their message. The stage presence and spirit are what truly seal the deal and capture attention. Beyond the stage, the support from the parents is the irreplaceable embodiment of love.

Going forward, the hybrid way would be a good approach to cater to different needs. Thanks to digital technology, Johan Speaking Academy is still able to cater educational needs for the children. As kids have the opportunity to participate and learn a variety of speaking programs, which not only contribute to their learning and development; but to also enhance their wellbeing and confidence in becoming effective communicators. Each child has a voice; and Johan Speaking Academy ensures that all of their input is acknowledged and followed up on regularly.

So, let’s all stay safe and continue practicing social distancing so that we can create a safe space not only for ourselves, but also children of the future too!  

Monday, September 14, 2020

Johan Speaking Academy’s Term Graduation on 6th September @ Quill City Mall

 Since the pandemic, events of all types had been canceled to avoid mass gatherings and further contamination. Fortunately, thanks to the adherence of all Malaysians to the rules and regulations during the lockdown period, our local industry is able to reopen more sectors along with the gain of freedom of movement in the country.

Johan Speaking Academy made a comeback with its signature annual event – “Johan Speaking Academy Term Graduation” for students from the respective programs namely Kiddos Public Speaking (5 – 7 years old), Kids Storytelling, Kids Press Conference, Kids Dream Job, Kids Youtubing, Kids Emcee and Teens Debating.

During the course of the event, Johan Speaking Academy ensured to abide by the given standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the safety of both parents and their children. Amongst the precautions made were details recording via MySejahtera App, mic covers were disposed after each usage per child, and of course the practice of social distancing.

The event started with Kiddos Public Speaking at 12.15pm. In no time, the day continued with kids going onto the stage one by one. Some were anxious with sweaty palms but eventually gotten better thanks to their parents’ encouragement whilst some were extremely excited, looking forward to take the stage confidently.

One of the highlights of the day were Kids Press Conference. In conjuction with the global occurrance about Covid-19, two students acted as the Prime Minister and Health Minister respectively on stage. The students began by addressing the seriousness of the issue and ways to prevent the spread of the infection. Similar to a formal press conference setup, there was also a Q&A session towards the end where the students were tested on the spot to be impromptu with questions asked from the audiences.

Another captivating segment would be Kids Emcee. Unlike the usual public speaking, these activities required the students to react spontaneously and immediately during the situation. Simultaneously, they also engaged the audiences to participate in certain activities on stage too. It generated great response from parents, as they were enjoying laughing thanks to their children’s hilarious yet successful hosting skills on stage.

The graduation event ended on a high note by 6.30pm. As parents and students were leaving the hall, Johan and Cherry waved goodbyes and thanked them for their support and attending the event.

It has always been the vision and mission of Johan Speaking Academy to take education beyond the classroom. Johan Speaking Academy cultivates children to express and communicate confidently with the opportunity to explore real life experiences either when taking the center stage or visitation to various local tourist spots.   

The year 2020 marks a turnaound point in human history. The school closures are one of the most visible incidents that affects the young generation. With Covid-19 now changing the world in ways we’ve never seen in modern times, this moment is an important opportunity to reimagine how, and what, education and skills are delivered to prepare students for a rapidly changing world of work.

But if you are wondering, how can we prepare our children for a future that we’re not quite sure of?

Hence, the ability to adapt quickly and communicate verbally effectively are vital for success. Soft skills – such as presenting, communicating, online learning, etc – are the most relevant for the future.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Sunway Velocity Mall ( Johan Speaking Academy )

In January, we were offered to have an outlet at Sunway Velocity Mall. We have been great partners with Sunway Group, doing many events at Sunway Lagoon, Sunway Lost World of Tambun, Sunway Velocity and Sunway Putra Mall. But to have a presence at the mall itself, WOW ! Negotiations were made before the actual agreement was signed.
Where about at Sunway Velocity Mall ? If you are not familiar, Sunway Velocity Mall is located in between Cheras and Pudu. You can reach the mall via Jalan Cheras or Jalan Peel. If you are using public transport ( MRT ), you can reach by adjourning at Cochrane station or Maluri station.
Johan Speaking Academy is located INSIDE the mall at Level 5, Room 5. Level 5 is also known as The Commune.
No time was wasted as we asked contractors to come in and do the necessary planning. First was the air-cond contractor and then followed by the curtain.
In less than 1 week, renovations were done concurrently. The heavy-one was the air-cond and electrical wiring. Then followed by flooring, curtain and interior design. In less than 12 days, everything was ready. YEAH !
Sunway group also came to speak to us with regards to Sunway Pals. What is Sunway Pals ? If you are not a member yet, it is free to register. You will get cashback on your spending in our program, or any spending between the sunway group ( colleges, malls, hospitals and other services ). On another side, you could also pay for our kids and teens workshops with your sunway pals cash.
We will official start to operate on 1 April 2020. See you folks from Cheras, Ampang and surrounding areas. Cheers !

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Teens Public Speaking @ SMK IMTIAZ Ulul Albab Melaka

"Johan, we would like to invite you to conduct a workshop for our students. Are you available ?" Siti asked.

We agreed and that was the start of fine-tuning some of the modules for 60 teens. It has to be :
- interactive
- fun
- easy to understand
- applicable after they leave the workshop.

It was a plan to go with Cherry, and at the same time, hunt for food at Melaka. But that was not to be when we also have a kids emcee engagement with MITI ( Ministry of International Trade and Industry ) on the same day.

I dropped off Cherry at MITI at 6.30am, and drove straight to Melaka. Reached there around 9.00am and Siti was there to greet me. She was also kind enough to serve me with breakfast.

I took a quick one and went straight to set-up my laptop and the projector.

Within 15 minutes, the teens came in. Siti asked,"Johan, we have around 67 kids, is it OK ?" "Sure, no problem. Welcome them in," I replied.

Started off with a quick ice-breaker to warm them up. There were loud cheers amongst them. All boys school, right?

We started with the fundamentals of public speaking, then moved on to impromptu speech, body language and voice modulation. Some took the stage for the 1st time, some were quite familiar, doing this few times already, some got challenged by their friends and stepped up to speak though it was nerve wrecking.

The teenagers thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and I assured them, these skills they learned will be truly useful in the future. 3 Hours just passed and it was the end.

Siti told me,"Johan, this was the 1st, and I assure you, it will not be last." "I am glad I am able to serve and impart my knowledge. Thanks for the invitation."

From the desk of :
Johan Ooi ( Founder of Johan Speaking Academy )

Train-The-Educator ( TTE ) by Johan Speaking Academy ( Feb 2020 )

One more step forward. A mission to empower more kids with confidence which they can carry forward in their lives.
Educators from various new locations were present for this certification program. Locations involved were Pandan Indah, Semenyih, Ara Damansara, Kota Kemuning and Seri Kembangan.
This 3-Day Train The Educator program was designed to equipped them with the knowledge and know-how to run some of the programs under Johan Speaking Academy.
Some of them asked,"Is this possible?" "Of course," I replied without hesitation. We have been doing this certification since 2016.
Day 1
Educators were exposed to the fundamentals of public speaking. Not only on the adults side, also on the mindset for both adults and kids. It was such fun to see them enjoying themselves while learning these new skills.
It was very fast pace too, as we have so much to cover. From crafting speeches, to presenting and to evaluating. Theory, then practical, theory, then practical and practical.
In the afternoon, we dived very deep into the modules for kids. Simple, yet effective way to deliver results. This proven method has helped more than 3000 kids to speak on stage since 2014.
Day 2
We went deeper into the modules. This covered from conducting the modules, how to get kids on stage, how can they present with confidence, how to speak to parents, how to market yourself on social media and many more.
Many group projects, role-play were done too. As we had a good time learning, time passed very quickly too. By the time we realized, it was the end of day 2.
Day 3
Educators were practicing and rehearsing their part for the LIVE workshop. 13 kids were called to come in so that educators can actually implement what they learned for the past 2 days. It was a short few hours with the kids, but a fruitful one. After the session with the kids, we discussed and brainstorm ways to even improve further. This also helped the educators see their strengths and fine-tuned their weaknesses.
At the end of the day, it was a great session with them. I told them,"This is just the beginning of a great journey." In which they replied ,"Of course."
Now, let's rock and roll. Go out there and impact lives.
From the desk of :
Johan Ooi ( Founder of Johan Speaking Academy )

Kids Emcee @ Menara MITI - NAP ( National Automotive Policy 2020 )

It was another great journey for our student. MITI ( Ministry of International Trade and Industry ) invited us once again to co-host an event. This time, the chosen boy was Edrez. Edrez has been with Johan Speaking Academy for more than 18 months. His partner will be celebrity and journalist Ms Daphne Iking.

The event was the launch of the new National Automotive Policy ( NAP.

20 Feb 2020 ( A day before )

As usual, a day before the actual event, would be the busiest day. Set-up, rehearsal, hall settings, stage preparation, event run-down, ushers position, opening gambits, launch sequence, VVIP and VIP seatings and many more.

Cherry and myself was there early to get hold of the emcee script. Without wasting much time, we kicked-off the practice session with Edrez. It was fun, exciting yet challenging. As an emcee, Edrez had to know the flow of the whole event. We were notified by the representative from MITI with regards to that. Of course, there were some minor changes, but it was alright. After 3 hours, we had our break. Edrez made his way back home, so as myself and Cherry.

7pm. We gathered back at the hall for the final run-down. It was exiciting as things started to fall in place compared to the afternoon session. This was when things made sense, as we could only see parts and bits of the preparation earlier. From the flow, the timing of the national anthem, the partnership between Edrez and Daphne, the launch gambit and etc. Finally, at 9.30pm, we adjourned home.

21 Feb 2020 ( The launch day )

I dropped Cherry off as early as 6.30am, as I have to rushed to Melaka for a speaking engagement with a school. Call time to gather was 8.00am, and breakfast was served around 7.30am.

Edrez was there early too, with his suit, his script and his lovely smile. Cherry told him,"Just relax and enjoy the process."

As people started to fill the ballroom, we could see Edrez and Daphne "high-five" each other.

Daphne Iking," Could we please rise for the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad."
Edrez,"Kindly remain standing for the national anthem Negaraku and Malaysia Bersih."

You could watch the whole event here from this link :

In less than 45 mins, the whole event concluded. The journey was an amazing one. Cherry, myself and Edrez learned so much from this process. Cherry and Edrez even managed to get a wefie with the Prime Minister.

We would like to thank MITI for this wonderful opportunity and looking forward to more collaboration.

From the desk of:
Johan Ooi ( Founder of Johan Speaking Academy )

Monday, December 30, 2019

Big Bad Wolf 2019 Stagetime by Johan Speaking Academy

What a delightful surprise when we received the news that OCBC Bank had invited Johan Speaking Academy to open up a booth in one of Malaysia’s biggest and highly anticipated book fairs of the year, the Big Bad Wolf book fair! A few days before the grand opening of the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair, Johan, Cherry and their intern Ben went on a site recce to the venue of the book fair, the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre better known as the MIECC. A few other bosses and soon-to-be exhibitors like us were brought on a short tour and a short briefing by a representative of OCBC Bank. It was truly a sight to see as we all surveyed an empty but vastly huge hall that will be completely filled to the maximum very soon. Fatin briefed each exhibitor regarding where will their booths be on the actual day, how many plug points are allocated and where they will be.

One day before the grand opening of the Big Bad Wolf Book Fair, Johan, Cherry and their intern Ben proceeded to the MIECC to set up and assemble all that is needed for the big day. Roll ups rolled up, the mini booth was assembled, the huge 3D backdrop with Johan Speaking Academy’s logo was installed, portable tables were set up, including all materials like magnets, speakers, microphone, and sales kits. It seems like everything is going as planned, Johan, Cherry and Ben left after completing the set up.

The Big Bad Wolf Book fair was truly a blast, despite having a microphone stolen before our first day, it couldn’t stop us from continuing to work hard and press on towards promoting our programmes and classes to potential customers. We had two different activities for kids who came to our booth. Firstly, we had a photo booth that had a variety of different props which included, funny head wear, cute eye wear, and elegant masks. When kids take a picture and post it on their Facebook while hash tagging Johan Speaking Academy, they are given a RM 50 discount voucher, which includes a Johan Speaking Academy magnet for the kids who participated. The kids can also do a mini presentation speech on our mini stage with one of our choice scripts. By doing this, they are also entitled to get a free RM 50 discount voucher and a Johan Speaking Academy magnet. Several parents came over to our booth for enquiries regarding the different programs for their children of varying ages to learn the fundamental skill of public speaking.

The kids from Johan Speaking Academy’s various branches throughout the nation also made a splendid performance with their speeches, presentations, and story-telling on the weekends that followed, and they all did such a great job, it caught the immediate attention of the visitors to the Big Bad Wolf Book fair, and soon it became a crowd of over a 100 people that were also attracting the attention of many a passer-by. The parents were so proud of their kids who did a marvellous job on the stage. Thank you OCBC Bank, thank you Big Bad Wolf, and finally thank you kids and parents for your support in helping us to be a better platform for young people to be empowered by the gift of public speaking! Thank you all!