Tuesday, October 24, 2017

JCI CYEA 2017 - Top 10 Winner ( Johan Speaking Academy )

JCI CYEA ( Creative Young Entrepreneur Award ) 2017 was hosted by JCI Melaka.

The first round, there were about 100 participants who submitted their entry. It was a mind-blowing and mind-opening experience for us. This is because the questions were thought provoking, diving deep down to question your establishment purpose, your target for years to come, how do you contribute to the society, what innovation are we bringing to the world and many more.

It was a case of learning more about oneself rather than the award itself. It took us 1 month to finish up the whole set of questions before submitting. After the exercise, it was a great reflection.

Now is up to the judges. When we got an invitation card to attend the Top 30 press conference, we from Johan Speaking Academy was so happy. We were shortlisted. And this itself is an achievement.

Some of the pictures during the press conference.

During the press conference, the top 30 will have to pitch for 5 minutes on their business to few judges.  It was an exciting experience to do a pitch. That is where public speaking and presentation skills is crucial. Of course , the business set-up, creativity elements and CSR elements are also taken into account.

After the event, the top 30 made a trip to Melaka few weeks after for the results of the Top 10 JCI CYEA 2017.

Below is the video of the event :

It was a memorable event, and being awarded the TOP 10 among many great entrepreneurs was indeed priceless. 

We will strive to even better our product and services and make an impact to the world. 

Thank you JCI CYEA for the award. And to many new friends that we made along the way, it was a nice idea exchange, understanding each other's businesses and also knowing that we are like-minded people who is here to inspire and impact the world. 

Till we meet again. 

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