Thursday, January 18, 2018

Business Pitching. What you need to know ?

I recently had 2 experiences for a business pitching. One was JCI CYEA ( Creative Young Entrepreneur Award ) and one was AmBank Bizrace top 100 SME. Both were different types of business pitching, but the main thing is to present your company's journey, in addition to your life's journey. 

In this blog, I would share with you some tips which hopefully will be able to help you in your future business pitches. Before we go into the tips, let me share with you the journey. 

Time :
JCI CYEA : This is a 5 minute pitch, with another 3 - 5 minutes of Q&A by the judges.
Ambank BizRace : This is a 7 minute pitch, with another 3 minutes of Q&A by the judges

Objective :
JCI CYEA : To look MAINLY into your business creativity and CSR project. 
Ambank BizRace : Overall business outlook. 

Tips :
- kindly ask the organizer what they want us to share in the business pitch. It is best if they give you a guideline or framework to work on. Eg : business statistics, leadership element, scalability, why are you unique and etc. With this, you can work on your pitch deck more clearly. Will you want to follow the flow exactly ? This is entirely up to you. 

- share a story. This will be crucial as they want to see your passion and vision. Most judges will "feel" the passion by the presenter. So it is best if you as the owner or founder goes for the pitch instead of sending a representative. What story to share ? A story which is close to your heart and also your WHY in doing the business. Story have to be short and precise, because every seconds count. Your story have to wrap around the "guideline" mentioned above. 

- practice your timing. As every seconds is important, you want to make sure you complete your presentation. Trust me, time flies if you are in a pitch. By the time you realize, you have 1 minute left. So please rehearse your pitch deck and time yourself. 

- arrive early. Settle down quick and calm yourself. The last thing you want is to go there and rush like mad. 

- backup your slides in a thumbdrive and in cloud ( google, email ). The presentation deck you send earlier to the organizer might get lost in transition or corrupted, so please make sure you have a backup. 

- bring a friend or colleague. Your friend will help and assist you in other matters, such as photography. This is important to document your journey. Win or lose, take this as a memory. Afterall, how many times will you do a business pitch in life ? 

- ask the judges to ask you questions during the Q&A. You have to plant in their head to ask you questions. This is to get interest and clear doubts in their heads. If they do not ask you questions, then you will have to be worried. 

- engage the judges. How ? Example : I am in the kids public speaking education. I will ask, "do you think communication skills are important ?" They might not answer verbally, but in their mind, the answer is YES. Think ways to ask them questions. 

- know your products and services inside out. Eg : Johan, how much is your revenue last year ? What is your net profit ? I got these questions during my pitch. Make sure you are well prepared. 

- network with people. Get to know "new" friends during the business pitch. Everyone is as anxious as you. You won't know that your new friends will be a business partner or collaborator in the future. 

- be grateful. Enjoy the journey as this process will make you be a better business person. Why ? Because before the pitch, you will relook at your business from a different perspective. 

- eye contact. Please look at the judges during the pitch. You can refer to your slides, but just a quick glance will do. Afterall, your slides are things you know very well, pay attention to the judges. 

- be enthusiastic. Like yourself, like your business, and like the people in the room during the presentation. How? Be passionate and enthusiastic. You can't fake this, it has to be in you. 

Below are videos of my pitching journey. 

Ambank BizRace :

The journey :

For more information about our program, visit :

Email :
Address : 92B, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.Lumpur

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Kids as Youtubers ? Seriously ? ( A program by Johan Speaking Academy )

Do you watch Youtube videos ?
Do you realize that kids can speak very well too ?

In our Kids Youtubing program, our students strive to be kids youtubers.

"Kids, why do you want to be a youtuber ?"

- I want to be famous
- I want to make people laugh
- I want to earn money
- I want to share
- I just follow my sister to attend ...haha

While youtubing is the trend, more importantly, we provide this platform for them to speak-up. That is our goal. For them to share their thoughts and something they like on videos.

This is a 10-Month program by Johan Speaking Academy, an academy which helps kids to build their confidence through various types of programs.

This program is for kids age : 9 - 15 years old**

For more information about our program, visit :

Email :
Address : 92B, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.Lumpur

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Stagetime at Atria Mall - by Johan Speaking Academy

Have you tried speaking at a shopping mall ?
Is public speaking important ?

Kids took the stage with confidence and enthusiasm. It was not an easy process for them though. They went through 10-Week of training before being able to step on stage confidently.

This program is for kids age 7 - 12 years old, organized by Johan Speaking Academy.

Why public speaking ?
- it helps to build a child's confidence
- helps them organize their thoughts
- increases their vocabulary

How important is soft skills now ?
Communication skills ?

You can have the best ideas in the world, but you need to articulate the idea and present to the world. This is where confidence kicks in, and confidence will help you along your journey in life.

Below are some pictures where we held our stagetime at atria mall.

For more information about our program, visit :

Email :
Address : 92B, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.Lumpur

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Teens Speaking Program by Johan Speaking Academy

How important is public speaking ?
Is confidence important ?

Public speaking is a skill which if you develop it well, will help you much in your career. You know well that you will need to use it when :

- during your final year presentation at college
- course work during school
- pitching for a project
- presentation to your client
- presentation to your colleagues
- more excitingly, public speaking in front of your bosses

Also, instances where you need to speak, during :

- interviews
- school entry interviews
- convincing clients and closing the deal
- etc

But how many practice sessions will you have prior to the above ? If you only practice during the LIVE event, then you are setting up yourself to a bigger risk. Come join us in our Teens Speaking Program, learn this skill and make mistakes along the process, so that when the REAL thing comes along, you are better prepared.

Some of our teenage students taking the stage at Evolve Concept Mall at Ara Damansara. Did they do well ? The more important question to ask youself is , are you willing to do it ?

Well done young man and ladies. We are proud of you, as standing up and speak is a great achievement itself.

To know more about us, kindly visit :

Email : 

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Kiddos Public Speaking by Johan Speaking Academy

Mom : Hi there, is this Johan Speaking Academy ?
Cherry : Yes, how may I help you ?
Mom : I would like to know if you all have classes for kids age 6 years old ?
Cherry : Yes, we do. It is called Kiddos Public Speaking.

What is Kiddos Public Speaking ?

Kiddos Public Speaking is for kids age 5+ to 7 years old. We have just launched this program and it is available at Taman Tun Dr Ismail. We started kids public speaking since 2014, and there were many requests for a lower age group. Thus, this Kiddos Public Speaking program.

Kiddos public speaking is a bit different from Kids Public Speaking. The time spent in class will only be 1 hour, with even a smaller group compared to the elder age group. Of course, the ultimate aim is to build their confidence through the fundamentals of public speaking.

The duration of the program is 10-Month and kiddos come in weekly. Here are some pictures of their journey.

For more information about our program, visit :

Email :
Address : 92B, Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 K.Lumpur

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Kids as wedding emcees ? Seriously ?

We are your emcees for today ! Their voices filled the hall.

Amelia, Danya, JianBei, Aisy, Gelson, Candy, E-Zen and Seong Yeon were the wedding emcees for a wedding party. What more special than having our own students hosting our special occasion.

It was the wedding party of founders Johan & Cherry.

The wedding party had 3 sessions. Morning, afternoon and night. In the morning, Amelia, Danya and Jian Bei took the stage. In the morning session, the trio did a great job, playing games with the audience and hosting the yam-seng sessions really well. Kudos to them.

Danya ( left ) and Amelia ( right )

Jian Bei

Afternoon, were the partnership of Aisy and Gelson. Both boys took the stage confidently. Gelson even did it without a script. They were engaging yet relaxed. 

"Johan, are those your students?" my friends asked. "Of course ! And it is also their fist time hosting" I replied. 

They were lost of words. First time in their lives watching kids as wedding emcees. Here are Gelson and Aisy. 



As the sunset, the evening session starts. People are walking in one-by-one. The power-pack wedding emcees are ready. 

"Teacher, can we start?" they asked enthusiastically. "Yes, let's do it !" Cherry replied. 

Although their body frame is small, their voices is able to fill up the whole wedding hall. It was an awesome performance by them. 

Seong Yeon

E-Zen ( left ) and Candy ( right )

Thank you so much kids for an awesome performance. You all were spot-on, cool, calm, relaxed, powerful, cute, funny and have all the great attributes to do well in emcee-ing and life.

Thank you once again.

For more info on our kids emcee program, visit www.kidspublicspeaking/kidsemcee

Email : 

About :

Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage since 2014. It was founded by Johan and Cherry. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Communication Skills Training for kids.

How important is communication skills ?
Will it be a skill you want to master ?
What if there is a way your child can start to practice it when you are young, will it be great ?

20 kids came together to have a great time while learning communication skills. This training is for kids to start young, have ample practice and learn along the way.

As they came in to class, they met each other. Some were timid, some were brave and some were lost. Maybe their parents did not inform them that they will be coming to a tour guide session.

When I announced to them that they are going to a zoo, they were excited ! Kids love animals. They were broken into groups and went for their practice.

The day came when they are tasked to be tour guides. It was so much fun. They showed visitors on the various animals that were at the zoo. Some visitors were shocked to see kids as tour guides. Who says only adults can be tour guide ?

Kids were working as a team and they took turns to achieve their goal to give a good customer service to the visitors.

Parents were happy too as they see their children experience a breakthrough, speaking to visitors and also a great platform to enhance their communication skills.

Here are some pictures :

For more info on our program, visit :