Monday, September 24, 2018

Canon Image Bridge at Kidzania with Johan Speaking Academy

Here it was another blissful Sunday morning!

A joy to behold – as it was also an action-packed day filled with wholesome, thrilling activities and exciting faces. Johan Speaking Academy had collaborated with Canon to organize a workshop titled “Canon Image Bridge at Kidzania with Johan Speaking Academy”.

The day started as early as 7.00am where the trainers from respective branches had gathered first to have breakfast. Upon arrival, Johan and Cherry were bright-eyed, greeted everyone enthusiastically. Soon after a brief meet-up with the Canon representatives, the entrance was swiftly buzzed with the crowd of parents and students. In a blink of an eye, a long line can already been seen at the ticketing counter, where each parent and student were awaiting for their turns to redeem their passes.  

At 8.00am sharp, students were ushered and seated at the theatre hall inside Kidzania. Whilst waiting for others to arrive, students were grinning ear to ear, chatting away with their friends whom they just met. Some parents also stayed back to support their child in this learning session.

15 minutes later, the session began with a warm welcome by Canon representative Patrick.  During this course, a pair of students were teamed up and given the opportunity to work with a Canon camera. As Patrick further explained the details and the flow for the workshop, broad smiles can be seen plastered on each of the students’ faces.  They were certainly looking forward to unleash their creativity in capturing photos using the cameras.

In no time, students headed out jubilantly from the hall to look for inspiration for their photos. Under the guidance of their respective trainers; some turned serious, fully immersed to ensure the right frame was taken whilst some were having a whale of a time, exploring around and capturing the moment as it was.

At 11.00am, students returned to the hall for their photos to be printed. The selected photos printed will then be sent over to their Vietnamese friends. With a given card piece to each student by Canon, the formal pasted the photo and added a wishful note to their friend. In return, they received a photo from them too. This workshop had also allowed an experience for the students to create a profound sense in the modern way of pen-pal.

The eventful workshop ended on a high note with the performance by the crews of Kidzania at 12.00pm. Some children continued their stay as they wished to explore around Kidzania in trying the different occupations offered there.

This partnership by both Johan Speaking Acedemy and Canon had successfully brought about 85 students to join this fruitful event, along with the participation of students from the nine different branches namely Bangsar, Shah Alam, Ampang, Puchong, Subang, Kajang, Mont Kiara, SS2 and Ipoh.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Johan Speaking Academy , RTM 1 - Selamat Pagi Malaysia , Media Interview @ 24 August 2018

Nothing quite beats that feeling when you are doing a media interview live. It starts the moment you walk into the building, the moment you walk into the studio or the moment when the camera starts recording.
The call time for the interview was set at 8.45am.

Amidst early in the morning where the sun itself had barely risen; both Johan and Cherry were already at Angkasapuri, RTM’s studio, by 7.30am.

To join along the live interview session with Johan was Karl Iskandar, one of the students currently enrolled in Johan Speaking Academy.

Upon arrival, Cherry can be seen taking pictures of the surrounding and people; and of course not to miss a selfie of herself and Johan, making sure to capture the moment. They were in exuberant spirit and ready to kick off the day.

When asked if nervous, Johan replied confidently and calmly, “Nothing to worry about. All good.”
Though looking relaxed, Johan was clearly well-prepped and composed for the show later. No doubt he is the man behind Johan Speaking Academy.

On the other hand, Karl was a tad nervous as it was his first time doing a live session. Nevertheless, this amiable young boy greeted everyone he met enthusiastically.  

Thereafter, a person in charge of RTM ushered them into the waiting room with breakfast served.
After a quick touch up, at 9.20am, it was finally both Johan and Karl’s turn to enter into the studio. The live interview will be aired in 10 minutes.

Whilst the microphone was fixed on both of them, they were also having small talk with the host of the interview. Karl especially had lowered down his guard as he was sharing to the host some of his musical interest towards hip hop.

And here was it…… in 3, 2, 1! *cameras’ on!*
To watch the live interview session, click here 

Gratefully, the interview went smoothly and relatively conversational. As expected, Johan demonstrated his eloquent interpersonal skills when engaging with the host, leaving a dynamic impression during the interview session.

Also kudos to Karl! Despite the initial amount of slight anxiety, Karl was able to pull off his excellent speech presentation in front of a camera live! Look at Teacher Johan’s face filled with so much pride and honor!  
As Johan and Cherry walked out from the studio to the hallway, one of the news anchor even came by to enquire about their public speaking program.   

And, you know, you certainly have left a good sign.   

After thanking everyone in the studio and waving goodbyes, Johan and Cherry immediately headed off for their next stop to resume hustling for the day.

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” – Jim Rohn. This quote impeccably fits both Johan and Cherry of some significance, as they always make sure each day is the most productive one.  

Pearl Shopping Gallery - Kids Presentation Skills & Kids Youtuber

Pearl shopping gallery

It's a buoyant Sunday morning. The shopping lanes in Pearl Shopping Gallery are quiet. It's 9.30AM and Cherry and Johan are hustling around to get ready for the big day: Term 3 graduation.
Sound, check. Stage, check. Seating, check. Camera, check.

By 10 AM the sound of shutters opening filled the arena along with nervous kids practicing their speech. While some kid are busy running around Johan, their much beloved trainer. Parents started taking their seat and then Johan addresses the crowd. The event begins and the kids take on the crowd one by one. They start by greeting their parents, who are beaming with pride and they move on to their speech, followed by a poem.

"It’s not easy to face a public and a camera", says Johan in between the kids’ presentation. These reminders make one realize that these children along with Johan and Cherry have put a great deal of effort during their 10 weeks program. The kids address the crowd effortlessly, presenting their topics along with a touch a humor. "Don't get bored", says one kid in attempt to revive the crowd.

The first slot was taken by term 3 kiddos followed by Kids Youtubing class. The latter is a new sensation that is taking on the new generation and Johan is not leaving a stone unturned in giving the kids an up-to-date and creative learning. The kids talked about type of shots, green screen and ISO. They now own their YouTube channel and soon enough, you may see them as the next social media influencer.

The next slot was again term 3 students who made a presentation on current affairs.

"The kids are presenting topics which are so new and they get to learn things out of the box" mentions one proud parent. The kids are given certificate at the end of their session along with photography session with the parents. On lookers stop by, they enjoy a speech or two and leave with a flyer. Who wouldn't want their child to be on a stage, encouraging others to be as brave as them?

Time flies by, the graduation segment reaches to an end while the energy of Johan and Cherry are as refreshing as if it was 10AM. 4.30PM onwards, a new crowd permeates the arena. It’s time for the speech of students from other branches such as Puchong, Mont Kiara, SS2, Kajang, Shah Alam and Ampang. The trainers of the branches present each kid on stage with delight. Eloquently, the students talk about their love for their parents, their favorite hobby and the career they wish to embark on. You will be surprised to hear that some of them want to be music therapist or gymnast.

Towards the end of the event, around 6.30PM, the TTDI students ended the event with their expression on their hobbies and future. It was a remarkable event indeed with the term 3 graduation and all the kids from different branches who recently signed up on 25 August for their 10-Week program. The kids were able to present eloquently on stage in front of 80-100 audience with under three weeks of preparation.
"There is no winner or loser, all we want to see at the end of the day is a creative child, willing to take on a crowd fearlessly", says Cherry at the end of the event as they pack to leave and prepare for the next brand ambassador event.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Train-The-Educator ( TTE ) - Become a certified kids public speaking trainer

Have you ever thought of becoming a trainer ?

To add colors to that, why not train kids to be speakers ?

Train-The-Educator ( TTE ) program is brought to you by Johan Speaking Academy. Become a certified trainer and you will be able to conduct kids public speaking workshops and also other various programs.

If you own an enrichment centre, a kindergarten, or other related kids education, you may want to consider this. Add this module in your place and together, we build up the next generation of leaders and communicators.

You might be wondering, what is this Train-The-Educator about ? Send your teachers over, more importantly, you as the principal will need to attend to understand "how this works."

Our proven method in training teachers has helped them to be able to conduct various kids public speaking program across Klang Valley, even until further up north which is Ipoh.

Here are some of the trainers who had successfully undergone the training.




Mont Kiara



Shah Alam

For more information about our program, you can visit our website at :

About :
Johan Speaking Academy has trained more than 1500 kids to speak on stage since 2014. The founder Johan is the 2015 Peninsular Malaysia Public Speaking Champion. In year 2015 itself, he represented Malaysia to the World Championship of Public Speaking held at Las Vegas. He finished as the Semi-Finalist.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How to teach public speaking skills to children ?

Is your child shy ? 
Have you ever wondered how to teach public speaking skills to children ?

Yes ! We could actually teach public speaking skills to children. But how ? 

Before we go in there, let me ask you few questions. 

Is confidence important ?  
Does having the ability to communicate and speak well help a child in the future ? 

Here are some tips on how to teach public speaking skills to children. 

1st tip - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Ask them to read aloud. How ? Take any story book, or newspaper, and ask them to stand up and read aloud. Normally, when we read a story book, we read silently. This time, ask your child to "throw" his or her voice. 

This will help them to listen to themselves in return. You as an adult could also do this exercise. How long per day ? 

If you could do this EVERYDAY, for even 1 minute, you will see the difference. Just 1 minute. Remember, stand up and read aloud. 

2nd tip - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Record the exercise above. Playback and watch. 

Then evaluate their performance. Only give positive feedback for the first two months. Only positive words. This will enforce their BELIEVE in themselves that they can do it. 

Then offer points of improvement at a later stage. All we want is to cultivate the HABIT of speaking up first. 

You, as a parent, or teacher, could also record yourself and watch back. If you DO NOT DARE to playback and watch your video ...hahaha, means you ...ehem. 

Keep doing this and I am sure you will improve. 

3rd tip  - how to teach public speaking skills to children

Ask your child, if he or she wants to speak in front of an audience ? It could be a birthday party, or even just a small dinner party with family members . Do not push. Let your child decide. If yes, let him or her share a short story.  If no, then they need more time. 

All the best ! 

We do offer public speaking classes for kids age 6 - 12 years old. We have trained more than 1500 kids to speak on stage. Our students have spoken at large shopping malls and prominent locations throughout Malaysia. 

Here are some of our journey :


Public Speaking for Kindergarten

Is there any public speaking classes at kindergarten ?
Can a 5 year old learn public speaking at a kindergarten ?

Many kindergartens are doing speech and drama classes for students, but the trend is catching up in having public speaking classes at a kindergarten. These extra classes are actually more on an ad-hoc basis where 3rd party trainers come in to teach there programs in the kindergarten. Sometimes, the teachers at the kindergarten will also run this programs themselves.

Please check with the kindergarten near your area to find out if they offer public speaking classes for your child.

We also offer public speaking classes for kids age 5 - 7 years old. We are not a kindergarten, but our academy specializes in public speaking classes to build a child's confidence.  We are located at Taman Tun Dr Ismail. We called this program Kiddos Public Speaking.

This program is a proven method which will help your child to stand up and speak up. Here are some of the kiddos journey

After practicing at class, kiddos will also have an opportunity to speak in front of their parents. Sometimes in the classroom, but the real challenge will come when they go outdoor. Here are some of their pictures.

In the classroom

Outdoor performance. Real-life experience.

Do check us out at 
