Thursday, March 2, 2017

3 Secrets to Raise Confident Kids - Johan Speaking Academy

What are the secrets to raise confident kids ?

After having trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage, here are some secrets we would like to share :

Secret 1 - Only say positive words

To raise a confident kid , you have to say positive words like "You can do it" , "You are awesome", "Keep doing, keep going."

Words of encouragement will give them the extra boost to keep moving forward.

Secret 2 - Let them fail,  let them try

The earlier a child encounter failure, the earlier they will learn. While i believe parents want to protect their child, it is good to let them feel failure. Then encourage them to try and try till succeed.

One example was in our kids public speaking training. I have kids who stumbled on a big stage at a mall, it was shocking for him and the parents. But he came back stronger the next round and made it, presenting to a large audience the next time. Let them fail, let them try and success will come soon.

Secret 3 - Show by example

Kids learn to be confident through observation. Meaning, as parents or teachers, we need to set examples. They will see us as a role model. So how we move, how we carry ourselves, how we speak and communicate and what we do, they watch and learn.

Show good examples and this will help to raise confident kids.

About the author :

Our Kids Public Speaking program helps children to build confidence at a young age. Johan Speaking Academy, founded by Johan Ooi & Cherry Ho have trained more than 1000 kids to speak on stage.

To know more about us, kindly visit

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